2012年8月18日 星期六

[育兒] 2Y10M 牛牛迷上湯馬士了













2012年7月18日 星期三

[牛語錄] 醬不帥






2012年6月2日 星期六

Movie ticket machine

Movie ticket machine by Idiot frog
Movie ticket machine, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
A lot of jobs are handling by machine. Is it imply that human needn't to work in the future?

Happy mother's day

Happy mother's day by Idiot frog
Happy mother's day, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.

Adam made a gift for mother's day for Michelle.

2012年6月1日 星期五

[心得] ShutterStock 滿分過關!!爽!





4天!4天~~等不及想知道結果!!不時就上去看一看,晚上忍不住又跑上去看了看,結果,我好像看到什麼7個active image?咦?那。。那。。。難道說?!趕快跑去看Submit status,呃~沒有說在審核中耶?真的通過了??點了通過的相片連結,我真的不敢相信我的眼睛~~~全部過關!!10張全過啦!!!耶~~~滿分過關!!真是好爽啊~~

My latest images for sale at Shutterstock:

My most popular images for sale at Shutterstock:

2012年5月24日 星期四

Water fall (_MG_8871)

Water fall (_MG_8871) by Idiot frog
Water fall (_MG_8871), a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
I can't stop you falling, but I can frozen the path you passed.

What a big warm

What a big warm by Idiot frog
What a big warm, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
I went to the net house where keeps a lot of butterflies. The butterflies are do big here and then I found that not only the butterflies are big, but also it's child, a warm.

Special container

Special container by Idiot frog
Special container, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
This is container is used to hold the rice. It is really cute.

A small gift from Adam

A small gift from Adam by Idiot frog
A small gift from Adam, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
A small gift for mother's day from Adam. Adam give it to Michelle and said:" Happy mother's day, mummy"

A wedding company

A wedding company by Idiot frog
A wedding company, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
There are a lot of wedding company nearby. Some are old and some are new and often replaced by a new one.

This one stands here for a long time now. It seems that it works well.

2012年5月18日 星期五

Monitoring a camera?

Monitoring a camera? by Idiot frog
Monitoring a camera?, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
What a stupid installation!! How come!! Who would install a camera just in front of another camera? Want to monitor the camera? Well, if the installer didn't notice this, how come no one knows it after install for a while? No one is checking the video? Or the system doesn't even recording video? "It's Taiwan" `_>'

New saloon

New saloon by Idiot frog
New saloon, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
This place was a massage room with horny service I guess. And I think that is why it closed shortly. Now it reopen as a saloon. But I can't really understand why would someone create a saloon here? There are lots of saloons around this area and most of the time I always wondering that are there so many needs for saloon in the area? Now you want to create a new one?

New shop

New shop by Idiot frog
New shop, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
Another new shop near my house. I don't really know what it sells but I like the decoration it has. May the business good enough for it to keep alive. This place has a lot of people but yet still some store with short live.

Happy mother's day

Happy mother's day by Idiot frog
Happy mother's day, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
Although today is not really the mother's day but we celebrate one week before mother's day cause I would have a company trip on that day. So we choose to celebrate one week ago. It's a pity that our elder brother could join us caused he is still in the mainland china.

2012年5月13日 星期日

[育兒] [2y6m] 甜蜜蜜




Time goes by

_MG_8055 by Idiot frog
_MG_8055, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
I hope time can stop for me but I can only see the track you left.

2012年5月5日 星期六


Roundhouse by Idiot frog
Roundhouse, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
Small model of the roundhouse station

Obstacle free passageway

Obstacle free passageway by Idiot frog
Obstacle free passageway, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
Adam ride on a bicycle and suddenly stop in front of this passageway. He said "daddy, I will slip out if I go on this "

2012年5月2日 星期三

Sunny day

Sunny day by Idiot frog
Sunny day, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.

The weather is nice while we staying in Kenting. Everything looks so beautiful with the blue sky and white cloud. I love sunny day a lot.

First light

First light by Idiot frog
First light, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
I saw the light came from the hidden sun on a beach. It really makes me happy to see a clear sky with pure white cloud.

2012年4月29日 星期日

Shining and darkness

Shining and darkness by Idiot frog
Shining and darkness, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
I would turn myself into dark shadow to accomplish your glory.

2012年4月28日 星期六

Deliver goods?

Deliver goods? by Idiot frog
Deliver goods?, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
I saw a Takyubin car on a road. It doesn't catch my eye until I saw a sign, priority seat. Priority seat? I didn't know that Takyubin delivers people too.

2012年4月27日 星期五

Crazy jump

Crazy jump by Idiot frog
Crazy jump, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
I got a lot of view today. over 2000 view a day!! What a magic number? It never happened before. The only thing I think might be connect to this situation is that I got a testimonials from Fat_Fingers. ^_^

2012年4月26日 星期四


Inspire by Idiot frog
Inspire, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
I took the picture on a bus and I can't hold the camera in a stable status therefore I got the left one. The water on the glass was blurred and I was inspired by it and then I took a lot of pictures to simulate heavy rain. It is very funny.


Unknown by Idiot frog
Unknown, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
I was reading an article but I have no idea why it shows the unknown characters. I can't read it. It is not the first time I think. I seems to see this before.

2012年4月24日 星期二

I saw you but can't feel your temperature

I can see you through the foggy white but how can I touch you?

Sunny day after a heavy rain?

How could you just pretend nothing special after you make me so wet!!

Do you miss me?

Do you miss me? by Idiot frog
Do you miss me?, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
I stand here when happy. I stand here while you are crying. I stand here even you never show up. I stand here last forever. Do you miss me?

2012年4月22日 星期日

Big shoe

Big shoe by Idiot frog
Big shoe, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
Who drop his/her big shoe here? Can you image what he/she looks like?

I feel like I am a hobbit~~~~~~

What a heavy rain again

What a heavy rain again by Idiot frog
What a heavy rain again, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
It rained dogs and cats again. I did not expect the heavy rain while I just arrived the ground floor cause it was a sunny day today.

The first thing came up from my heart is "Beep~~~" (If you are under 18, you can only see "Beep~~~")


VIVOTEK@Secutech2012 by Idiot frog
VIVOTEK@Secutech2012, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
Last year, we gathered some solution partners to give a talk at our booth and also held a luck draw after the speech. And then I found there are many other vendors doing the same thing as we did last year. (Can you be more creatively?)

We hire show girls to demonstrate our world's smallest network fixed dome camera. A lot of people stood in front of our booth. (But I am not sure if they are interested in the product or the girls~~~)
< Unknown: No! are you an idiot? Must be the boobs>

2012年4月18日 星期三


Toeic by Idiot frog
Toeic, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.


Heavy rain

Heavy rain by Idiot frog
Heavy rain, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.

2012年4月17日 星期二

Sun moon lake

Sun moon lake by Idiot frog
Sun moon lake, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.

2012年4月16日 星期一


Malfunction by Idiot frog
Malfunction, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.
F00? 代表光圈的F值越小表示光圈開口越大F值越小表示開口越小,啊不過~~~F00是什麼鬼??這次DC一直在拍照拍到鏡頭受不了了嗎?第一次遇到這種情形耶!居然跳出00的數字?然後光圈就好像再也不受控制了?怎麼調都是00?重開機也一樣沒有改善?天啊?不會是鏡頭壞了吧??Workshop 還沒結束還有一堆要拍!只好先跟Joe借鏡頭撐著先~~~~隔了一陣子後再去換回來試一下,還好恢復正常了!!呼

2012年4月15日 星期日

Blue sky

Blue sky by Idiot frog
Blue sky, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.

2012年4月14日 星期六

New luggage

New luggage by Idiot frog
New luggage, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.



「去~~~出差?」 牛牛問道










“喔~~爸爸明天要出差所以你這個要借爸爸用是嗎?“ 我快飆淚了~



[育兒] 4Y6M 牛牛好貼心~~~~



“有!!“ 牛牛不假思索且堅定地笑道





“啊~~媽麻勒?你有開心嗎?“ 牛牛轉過頭一樣認真地問媽媽









2012年4月13日 星期五


Empty by Idiot frog
Empty, a photo by Idiot frog on Flickr.

[遊記] 巧克力共和國
























